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    目的 调查驰援武汉抗疫医务人员对正确穿脱防护用品了解情况以及疫区感染防控知识需求。方法 自行设计调查表,依托网络平台对安徽省驰援武汉抗疫医疗队医务人员的感染防控相关需求及心理负担情况进行调查。结果 共调查625名医务人员,调查对象以女性为主(66.88%),年龄主要为30~39岁(57.60%)。医疗队员来源科室主要为重症监护病房(ICU)和呼吸科(分别为151、131名)。在疫区实践操作培训前有590名(94.40%)医务人员接受过防护用品理论和操作视频培训,但还有35名(5.60%)之前未接受过相关培训。在对医院感染监控人员依赖情况的调查中,6个条目的回答结果中希望医院感染监控人员给予指导帮助的均占98%以上。66.08%的医务人员在疫区实践操作前有担心害怕的感觉,71.68%的医务人员存在可能暴露后的恐惧和心理阴影,91.20%的医务人员希望建立一个医院感染的心理咨询平台,91.36%的医务人员在疫区实践操作培训后担心害怕的感觉减轻。护理专业人员在疫区实践操作培训前有担心害怕的感觉、存在可能暴露后的恐惧和心理阴影、希望建立一个医院感染的心理咨询平台的比率(68.76%、74.19%、92.84%)均高于临床及影像专业人员(59.26%、65.43%、86.42%);差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 医院感染监控人员在医疗队员入岗前进行穿脱防护用品实操演示培训,建立标准流程,指导落实驻地生活工作等方面的消毒方法与注意事项,能够明显减轻医务人员的心理负担,使其掌握科学的防控方法,降低医务人员感染的风险。


    Objective To investigate the cognition of correct putting on and removing of personal protective equipment(PPE) as well as demand for knowledge on infection prevention and control in epidemic area among health care workers(HCWs) who rushed to Wuhan to participate in anti-epidemic battle. Methods Questionnaire was self-designed on the basis of network platform, relevant demand for infection prevention and control as well as psychological burden of HCWs from Anhui Province to engage in anti-epidemic battle in Wuhan was investigated. Results A total of 625 HCWs were investigated, 66.88% of whom were women, 57.60% were aged 30-39 years. The main departments of medical team members were intensive care unit (ICU, n=151) and department of respiratory diseases (n=131). 590 (94.40%) of HCWs had received theory and manipulation training of PPE through video demonstration before practical manipulation training in epidemic area, but 35 (5.60%) had not received the relevant trai-ning. In the survey of dependence on healthcare-associated infection (HAI) surveillance and control professionals, more than 98% of the 6 items expected HAI surveillance and control professionals to provide guidance and help. 66.08% of HCWs had the feeling of fear before practical manipulation in the epidemic area, 71.68% of HCWs had the feeling of fear and psychological shadow after possible exposure, 91.20% of HCWs hoped to establish a psychological consultation platform about HAI, 91.36% of HCWs felt less afraid after practical manipulation training in the epidemic area. The ratios of nursing professionals who had feeling of fear before practical manipulation training in the epidemic area, feeling of fear and psychological shadow after possible exposure, and desire for establishing a psychological consultation platform about HAI were all higher than the clinical professionals and imaging specialty professionals (68.76% vs 59.26%, 74.19% vs 65.43%, 92.84% vs 86.42%, respectively), difference were all statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusion Medical team members' pre-job practical manipulation demonstration training on putting on and removing of PPE, establishment of standard process, as well as guidance and implementation of disinfection methods and precautions during work and living in the resident station can obviously reduce the psychological burden of HCWs, make them master scientific prevention and control methods, and reduce the risk of infection of HCWs.


赵红, 谢少清, 杨会志,等.新冠肺炎医疗队医务人员感染防控相关需求调查[J]. 中国感染控制杂志,2020,19(5):398-403. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20206548.
ZHAO Hong, XIE Shao-qing, YANG Hui-zhi, et al. Infection prevention and control-relevant demand of health care workers in medical team during fighting against COVID-19[J]. Chin J Infect Control, 2020,19(5):398-403. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20206548.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-03-05
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  • 在线发布日期: 2020-05-28
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