
广东省妇幼保健院药学部, 广东 广州 511442



周升铭   E-mail: 362385496@163.com



Method as well as effect of cleaning and disinfection for medicine transfer boxes in pharmacy intravenous admixture service

Department of Pharmacy, Guangdong Women and Children's Hospital, Guangzhou 511442, China

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    目的 对静脉用药调配中心(PIVAS)转运药箱的清洁消毒方法及效果维持时间进行研究,以保证患者的成品输液安全。 方法 选取某院正常使用中的转运药箱64个,采用医用消毒湿巾清洁消毒后,分别于0、12、24、36、48 h进行目视检测和微生物检测,并进行统计分析。 结果 清洁消毒0 h后,目测法和微生物检测法检测结果合格率均为100%。清洁消毒24 h内,转运药箱基本无药液残留及肉眼可见污物,微生物检测合格率在95%以上,未检测出致病菌,维持效果较好。而随着时间延长,至48 h时,目测法和微生物检测法检测结果合格率均显著下降,染菌率>50%,并在转运药箱的把手处检测出大肠埃希菌。药箱把手(57.50%)和箱外侧面(42.50%)的染菌率高于药箱内侧(18.75%),药箱染菌率位于前三的科室为新生儿科(46.30%)、产科(43.48%)、儿科(39.13%)。 结论 每24 h对PIVAS转运药箱采用医用消毒湿巾清洁消毒,可预防医院感染的发生。对成品输液量较多,药箱使用频繁的临床科室,如新生儿科、产科、儿科,可适当增加转运药箱的清洁消毒频次,并需重点关注转运药箱接触频繁部位,如药箱把手处的清洁消毒。


    Objective To study the cleaning and disinfection methods as well as effect maintenance time of medicine transfer boxes in pharmacy intravenous admixture service (PIVAS), so as to ensure the safety of finished pro-duct infusion. Methods 64 normally used medicine transfer boxes in a hospital were selected, after cleaning and disinfection with medical disinfectant wipes, visual inspection and microbial detection were carried out at 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours respectively, statistical analysis was conducted. Results After 0 hour of cleaning and disinfection, the qualified rates of visual inspection method and microbial detection method were both 100%. Within 24 hours of cleaning and disinfection, there was no liquid residue and visible dirt in the medicine transfer boxes, qualified rate of microbial detection was more than 95%, no pathogenic bacteria were detected, and the maintenance effect was good. With the extension of time, up to 48 hours, qualified rates of visual inspection method and microbial detection method both decreased significantly, bacterial contamination rate was more than 50%, Escherichia coli was detected at the handles of medicine transfer boxes. Contamination rates of handle (57.50%) and outside side(42.50%) of medicine boxes were higher than inside (18.75%), the top three departments of bacterial contamination were neonatology (46.30%), obstetrics (43.48%) and pediatrics (39.13%). Conclusion Cleaning and disinfecting PIVAS medicine transfer boxes every 24 hours by using medical disinfectant wipes can prevent the occurrence of healthcare-associated infection. For clinical departments with large amount of finished product infusion and frequent use of medicine boxes, such as departments of neonatology, obstetrics and pediatrics, the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of medicine transfer boxes should be properly increased, and attention should be paid to the frequently touched sites of medicine transfer boxes, such as the cleaning and disinfection of the handles of medicine boxes.


朱文思,王穗琼,盛飞凤,等.静脉用药调配中心转运药箱清洁消毒方法及效果研究[J]. 中国感染控制杂志,2021,(7):654-658. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20217199.
Wen-si ZHU, Sui-qiong WANG, Fei-feng SHENG, et al. Method as well as effect of cleaning and disinfection for medicine transfer boxes in pharmacy intravenous admixture service[J]. Chin J Infect Control, 2021,(7):654-658. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20217199.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-07-20
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  • 在线发布日期: 2021-08-04
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