



田锋  E-mail: 1165524967@qq.com




Health care workers' evaluation on the effect of on-site supervision of full-time healthcare-associated infection control staff in the buffer room of isolation ward

1.Fever Clinic, Department of Infection, Zhangjiajie People's Hospital, Zhangjiajie 427000, China;2.Department of Healthcare-associated Infection Management, Zhangjiajie People's Hospital, Zhangjiajie 427000, China;3.Department of Nursing, Zhangjiajie People's Hospital, Zhangjiajie 427000, China;4.Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Zhangjiajie People's Hospital, Zhangjiajie 427000, China

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    目的 评价在隔离病区缓冲间实施感染防控(简称感控)专职人员现场监督的效果。 方法 选取2021年8—9月张家界市人民医院新型冠状病毒肺炎抗疫一线医务人员为调查对象,自制一般资料问卷、实施感控专职人员监督后抗疫一线医务人员心理状况调查问卷、实施感控专职人员监督后的效果评价问卷,采用问卷星进行调查。 结果 共回收有效问卷227份。78.9%的医务人员认为感控专职人员的现场监督方式使其更有安全感;94.7%的医务人员认为自身的害怕、恐惧或焦虑有不同程度的减轻;93.0%的医务人员在一脱间时感到安心;99.6%的医务人员愿意接受感控专职人员现场指出的不足,需要感控专职人员的监督;93.8%的医务人员认为环境较前不同程度的好转;82.8%的医务人员认为感控专职人员能及时阻止不规范操作的发生;98.7%的医务人员认为如遇突发情况,感控专职人员能给予正确指导和帮助处理;大多数医务人员认为感控专职人员在穿脱防护服方面能给予一定的帮助。 结论 实施感控专职人员现场监督有利于缓解抗疫一线医务人员的压力,改善环境,及时给予帮助指导。在监督过程中,应该重点关注女性和首次参加抗疫的一线医务人员。


    Objective To evaluate the effect of setting up full-time healthcare-associated infection (HAI) control staff for implementing on-site supervision in the buffer room of isolation ward. Methods The first-line health care workers (HCWs) who participated in anti-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Zhangjiajie People's Hospital from August to September 2021 were selected as the survey objects, questionnaire about general information, the psychological status of the first-line HCWs after full-time HAI control staff implementing supervision, and effect evaluation after the implementation of supervision by full-time HAI control staff were made, Questionnaire Star was used for survey. Results A total of 227 valid questionnaires were collected. 78.9% of HCWs thought that the on-site supervision of full-time HAI control staff made them feel more secure; 94.7% of HCWs thought that their fear and anxiety had been alleviated in varying degrees; 93.0% of HCWs felt at ease in the first undressing room; 99.6% of HCWs were willing to accept the deficiencies pointed out by full-time HAI control staff on the spot and needed the supervision of full-time HAI control staff; 93.8% of HCWs thought that the environment was better than before; 82.8% of HCWs thought that full-time HAI control staff could prevent the occurrence of non-standard manipulation in time; 98.7% of HCWs thought that in case of emergency, HAI full-time control staff could give correct guidance and help; most HCWs thought that full-time HAI control staff could help them to wear and take off protective clothing. Conclusion The implementation of on-site supervision by HAI full-time staff is conducive to relieving the pressure of first-line HCWs, improving the environment and providing timely help and guidance. In the process of supervision, attention should be paid to women and first-line HCWs who participated in the fight against the epidemic for the first time.


邢业英,李婷婷,田锋,等.医务人员对隔离病区缓冲间实施感控专职人员现场监督的效果评价[J]. 中国感染控制杂志,2022,(8):742-748. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20222773.
Ye-ying XING, Ting-ting LI, Feng TIAN, et al. Health care workers' evaluation on the effect of on-site supervision of full-time healthcare-associated infection control staff in the buffer room of isolation ward[J]. Chin J Infect Control, 2022,(8):742-748. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20222773.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-04-18
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-09-02
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