
1.南京中医药大学护理学院, 江苏 南京 210046;2.南京中医药大学附属南京医院 南京市第二医院体检中心, 江苏 南京 210003;3.南京中医药大学附属南京医院, 南京市第二医院结核一科, 江苏 南京 210003;4.南京中医药大学附属南京医院, 南京市第二医院感染管理科, 江苏 南京 210003



沙莉   E-mail: fsyy01582@njucm.edu.cn





Application of qualitative fit test for medical protective masks in clinical medical staff

1.School of Nursing, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210046, China;2.Physical Examination Center, Nanjing Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, The Second Hospital of Nanjing, Nanjing 210003, China;3.The First Department of Tuberculosis, Nanjing Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, The Second Hospital of Nanjing, Nanjing 210003, China;4.Department of Infection Management, Nanjing Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, The Second Hospital of Nanjing, Nanjing 210003, China

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    目的 通过进行医用防护口罩3M FT-30定性适合性检验, 以期为医务人员选择适合自己型号的口罩, 降低被感染的风险, 达到最佳的防护效果。 方法 选取某院567名主要从事医技、护理及后勤岗位的工作人员于2022年4月1—22日在医院感染科组织下进行医用防护口罩的定性适合性检验。使用3M FT-30适合性检验设备, 采用定性的方法检验受试者佩戴医用防护口罩的适合程度。 结果 全院567名医务人员均对苦味剂敏感, 敏感率为100%;共567名医务人员佩戴稳健医疗公司生产的医用防护口罩(折叠式)进行适合性检验, 28名未通过检验, 未通过率为4.94%;未通过测验人群中, 脸型瘦小、胖大及面部局部五官特征突出的受测人员佩戴口罩与面部贴合不紧密, 容易出现漏气, 导致检验失败。未通过测验人员更换其他两种不同品牌口罩重新进行测验, 其中11名佩戴振德医疗用品股份有限公司生产的医用防护口罩(头戴式)测验通过, 16名脸型瘦小、下巴尖、鼻梁塌的医务人员佩戴思沃D920医用防护口罩通过测验, 另外还有1名医务人员佩戴三种医用防护口罩均未通过测验。受试者佩戴同一种型号同一批次医用防护口罩做不同动作进行检验时未通过率比较, 差异具有统计学差异(均P<0.05)。 结论 口罩定性适合性检验可以帮助医务人员根据其结果选择适合自己型号的医用防护口罩, 提高医务人员的防护意识, 降低被感染的风险。


    Objective To reduce infection risks and achieve best protective effect via selection of suitable masks for medical staff through qualitative fit test of 3M FT-30 medical protective mask. Methods From April 1 to 22, 2022, 567 medical staff engaged in medical technology, nursing and logistics work in a hospital were selected for qualitative fit test of medical protective masks organized by department of healthcare-associated infection. 3M FT-30 fit test equipment and qualitative method were applied to test subjects' fit level in wearing medical protective masks. Results All 567 medical staff in the hospital were sensitive to bitter, sensitivity rate was 100%. 567 medical staff underwent fit test with medical protective masks (folding type) produced by Winner Medical Company, out of which 28 failed(failure rate 4.94%). Staff with thin/fat faces or prominent facial features could not wear masks closely, thus were prone to air leakage and failure in test. After changing masks of two other brands, staff failed in the first test were tested again. 11 of them passed with medical protective masks (head-mounted) from Zhende Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. 16 medical staff with thin face, pointed chin and collapsed nose passed the test with Siwo D920 medical protective mask. 1 medical staff failed with medical protective masks from all three brands. There were statistical differences in test failure rates when subjects wore medical protective masks of the same type and batch for different movements during test (all P < 0.05). Conclusion Qualitative fit test for masks can help medical staff select suitable medical protective masks based on test results, improve their protection awareness and reduce infection risks.


王梦梦,沙莉,刘艳,等.医用防护口罩定性适合性检验在临床医务人员中的应用[J]. 中国感染控制杂志,2023,(1):110-116. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20232976.
Meng-meng WANG, Li SHA, Yan LIU, et al. Application of qualitative fit test for medical protective masks in clinical medical staff[J]. Chin J Infect Control, 2023,(1):110-116. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20232976.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-06-06
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-04-28
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