
1.甘肃中医药大学公共卫生学院, 甘肃 兰州 730000;2.甘肃省第二人民医院院长办公室, 甘肃 兰州 730000



张浩军  E-mail: haozi_523@163.com





Health care workers' cognition status towards allergy reactions to commonly used antimicrobial agents

1.School of Public Health, Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China;2.Office of Hospital Director, The Second Provincial People's Hospital of Gansu, Lanzhou 730000, China

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    目的 分析医务人员对常见抗菌药物过敏反应的认知程度以及各级医疗机构对常见抗菌药物过敏的管理现状。 方法 采用随机抽样法选取甘肃省14个地级市及自治州医疗卫生机构中与抗菌药物诊疗相关的医务人员及临床药师进行问卷调查,调查内容包括受访者的基本资料、抗菌药物过敏判断标准、抗菌药物过敏反应相关操作知晓度以及不同级别医疗机构对抗菌药物的管理程度等。 结果 共收集到8 670名医务人员的有效问卷,其中医生3 300名,护士5 024名,药剂师328名;正高级职称160名,副高级职称775名,中级职称2 123名,初级职称5 612名。87.66%的医务人员近2年接受过抗菌药物管理的相关培训,不同级别医疗机构医务人员近2年来接受过抗菌药物管理相关培训的比例比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=42.668,P < 0.001)。正高级职称的医务人员中接受相关培训的占比最多(93.75%),不同职称医务人员近2年接受抗菌药物管理相关培训的比例比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=69.782,P < 0.001)。50.98%的医务人员对青霉素过敏反应判断不清楚,其中大部分为初级职称的医务人员,占68.52%;25.19%的医务人员表示不清楚青霉素过敏的患者是否可以使用头孢类药物,其中副高级职称的医务人员有225名,占总副高级职称人数的29.03%;有6.11%的医务人员无皮试操作经验;有46.94%的医务人员表示所在医疗机构没有或不清楚医疗机构是否有抗菌药物过敏评估小组。 结论 医务人员对常见抗菌药物过敏反应判断及抗菌药物应用的认知程度不高,各级医疗机构对抗菌药物过敏管理整体水平较差,抗菌药物过敏评估小组普及率不高,急需加强督查、管理、培训等工作。


    Objective To analyze the cognition level of health care workers (HCWs) and the management status of various levels of medical institutions towards allergy reactions to commonly used antimicrobial agents. Methods HCWs and clinical pharmacists who were related to the diagnosis and treatment of antimicrobial agents in 14 medical institutions of city-level and autonomous prefectures in Gansu Province were randomly selected for a questionnaire survey. The survey contents included respondents' basic information, criteria for judging antimicrobial allergy, awareness on procedures related to antimicrobial allergy, and antimicrobial management level of different levels of medical institutions. Results A total of 8 670 valid questionnaires from HCWs were collected, including 3 300 physicians, 5 024 nurses and 328 pharmacists. 160, 775, 2 123 and 5 612 HCWs were with senior, associate, intermediate and junior professional titles, respectively. 87.66% of the HCWs received relevant training on antimicrobial management in the past two years, the proportion of HCWs from different levels of medical institutions who have received training on antimicrobial management in the past two years was statistically significant different(χ2=42.668, P < 0.001). HCWs with senior professional titles had the highest proportion of receiving relevant training (93.75%), there was a statistically significant difference in the proportion of receiving antimicrobial management training among HCWs with different professional titles in the past two years(χ2=69.782, P < 0.001). 50.98% of HCWs were not clear about penicillin allergy, and most of whom were with junior professional titles, accounting for 68.52%. 25.19% of HCWs expressed uncertainty about whether patients with penicillin allergy could use cephalosporins, 225 of whom were with associate professional titles, accounting for 29.03% of the total number of HCWs with associate profe-ssional titles. 6.11% of HCWs had no experience in skin test procedure; 46.94% of HCWs expressed that their medical institutions had no or unclear about whether their medical institutions had an antimicrobial allergy assessment team. Conclusion HCWs' judgment on allergy reactions to commonly used antimicrobial agents and awareness on antimicrobial application is not high enough, and the overall management level of antimicrobial allergy in all levels of medical institutions is poor. The popularity of antimicrobial allergy assessment teams is not high, and there is an urgent need to strengthen supervision, management, training, et al.


丁贤荦,孙钟铭,姚子琰,等.医务人员对常见抗菌药物过敏反应认知现状调查[J]. 中国感染控制杂志,2024,23(3):284-290. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20245014.
Xian-luo DING, Zhong-ming SUN, Zi-yan YAO, et al. Health care workers' cognition status towards allergy reactions to commonly used antimicrobial agents[J]. Chin J Infect Control, 2024,23(3):284-290. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20245014.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-09-18
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-04-28
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