• Volume 0,Issue 5,2020 Table of Contents
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    • Article
    • Effective training approach of prevention and control of COVID-19

      2020, 19(5):1-5. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20206812

      Abstract (137) HTML (0) PDF 400.00 Byte (381) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To explore the effective training approach of putting on and removing of personal protective equipment(PPE).Methods Health care workers(HCWs) were randomly divided into three groups(group 1: video training; group 2: on-site demonstration training; group 3: one-to-one practical training), training on putting on and removing of PPE was conducted. After the training, three groups of HCWs were checked, training effect was evaluated. Assessment on steps of putting on and removing of PPE was performed by table score and qualitative method (smearing fluorescence+powder before removing PPE to judge whether fluorescent powder was contaminated on clothes or skin).Results 169 persons were checked in each group, qualified rate of assessment of group 3 was 85.21%, which was higher than 56.21% of group 2 and 34.32% of group 1; among three categories of posts(nursing, medical technician and doctors), the qualified rate of assessment of nursing was the highest (71.57%, 141/197), and qualified rate of medical technicians was the lowest (42.11%, 64/152); in the assessment of wearing and removing of PPE, the lowest qualification rate was the tightness test of wearing medical mask, removing of one-piece protective clothes+hand hygiene were the lowest(64.69% and 60.95%, respectively); there were statistically significant differences among three groups of trained HCWs, three different job posts, as well as steps of putting on and removing of PPE(all P<0.005). Qualified rate of fluorescence qualitative detection was 69.43%.Conclusion One-to-one training is better than on-site demonstration and video training, during the training, more attention should be paid to the tightness test of the medical protective mask, when PPE is being removed, contamination on clothes or skin should be avoided.

    • Experience of healthcare-associated infection monitoring from medical team for aiding Hubei Province during COVID-19 epidemic period

      2020, 19(5):1-6. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20206370

      Abstract (111) HTML (0) PDF 446.00 Byte (385) Comment (0) Favorites


      In order to fight against the epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19), medical teams from all over the country went to Wuhan for aiding medical rescue, infection control professionals(ICPs) have become an indispensable power of medical teams. Doing a good job in infection control can effectively reduce the risk of infection of medical team members. Based on the practice, this paper summarizes the experience of carrying out the work of infection control by ICPs in medical teams for aiding Hubei Province, including the establishment of infection control team, conducting infection control training, formulating control measures in the residents, monitoring and disposing infection and exposure, optimizing layout of three region and process of putting on and taking off personal protective equipment(PPE), supervising putting on and taking off PPE, guiding cleaning and disinfection, establishing each infection control system in epidemic period, supervising clinical infection control and so on.

    • Infection prevention and control in the operating room for patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus disease 2019: an expert consensus

      2020, 19(5):385-392. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20207170

      Abstract (299) HTML (2812) PDF 1.65 K (935) Comment (0) Favorites


      In order to prevent and control infection in operating rooms for patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19), according to treatment plan and technical guidelines for COVID-19 issued by National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, as well as relevant laws and regulations of national infection prevention and control, referring to the existing experience of nursing management in operating rooms across the country, combining with the management suggestions of infection control experts in China, Expert consensus on infection prevention and control for COVID-19 suspected or confirmed patients in operating rooms in China is established. This consensus is based on the characteristics of infection prevention and control in COVID-19 patients undergoing surgery, and is elaborated from aspects of preparation before surgery, prevention and control during surgery, prevention and control after surgery, as well as other attentions, which has certain scientific and practical significance, and can provide clinical guidance for infection prevention and control of COVID-19 patients in operating rooms.

    • Present situation and suggestions on the development of public health professionals in Hunan Province

      2020, 19(5):393-397. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20206847

      Abstract (121) HTML (371) PDF 899.00 Byte (395) Comment (0) Favorites


      In the fight against the epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19), the first-level response to major public health emergency was launched firstly in Hunan Province, and a series of the unprecedented measures for prevention, control and treatment were taken, the overall cure rate of confirmed COVID-19 cases was the highest all over the country. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 also exposed prominent issues such as insufficient number and unreasonable structure of public health talents, limited funds, no perfect in the personnel assessment and incentive mechanism of public health personnel in Hunan Province. This paper puts forward some suggestions from the following four aspects:deepening the reform on personnel cultivation in public health and preventive medicine education, providing talent support for public health enterprise; improving principles and methods of public health personnel access; increasing government investment in public health and improving personnel remuneration; perfecting the evaluation and incentive mechanism of public health professionals, enhancing the working efficiency of personnels and developing high-quality of public health services.

    • Infection prevention and control-relevant demand of health care workers in medical team during fighting against COVID-19

      2020, 19(5):398-403. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20206548

      Abstract (226) HTML (321) PDF 876.00 Byte (567) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To investigate the cognition of correct putting on and removing of personal protective equipment(PPE) as well as demand for knowledge on infection prevention and control in epidemic area among health care workers(HCWs) who rushed to Wuhan to participate in anti-epidemic battle. Methods Questionnaire was self-designed on the basis of network platform, relevant demand for infection prevention and control as well as psychological burden of HCWs from Anhui Province to engage in anti-epidemic battle in Wuhan was investigated. Results A total of 625 HCWs were investigated, 66.88% of whom were women, 57.60% were aged 30-39 years. The main departments of medical team members were intensive care unit (ICU, n=151) and department of respiratory diseases (n=131). 590 (94.40%) of HCWs had received theory and manipulation training of PPE through video demonstration before practical manipulation training in epidemic area, but 35 (5.60%) had not received the relevant trai-ning. In the survey of dependence on healthcare-associated infection (HAI) surveillance and control professionals, more than 98% of the 6 items expected HAI surveillance and control professionals to provide guidance and help. 66.08% of HCWs had the feeling of fear before practical manipulation in the epidemic area, 71.68% of HCWs had the feeling of fear and psychological shadow after possible exposure, 91.20% of HCWs hoped to establish a psychological consultation platform about HAI, 91.36% of HCWs felt less afraid after practical manipulation training in the epidemic area. The ratios of nursing professionals who had feeling of fear before practical manipulation training in the epidemic area, feeling of fear and psychological shadow after possible exposure, and desire for establishing a psychological consultation platform about HAI were all higher than the clinical professionals and imaging specialty professionals (68.76% vs 59.26%, 74.19% vs 65.43%, 92.84% vs 86.42%, respectively), difference were all statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusion Medical team members' pre-job practical manipulation demonstration training on putting on and removing of PPE, establishment of standard process, as well as guidance and implementation of disinfection methods and precautions during work and living in the resident station can obviously reduce the psychological burden of HCWs, make them master scientific prevention and control methods, and reduce the risk of infection of HCWs.

    • Compliance of home quarantine protection and its effect on anxiety degree during the epidemic outbreak period of COVID-19

      2020, 19(5):404-410. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20206559

      Abstract (164) HTML (302) PDF 1022.00 Byte (533) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To investigate compliance to home quarantine protection and its effect on anxiety degree of the public during coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) epidemic outbreak period. Methods Using cross-sectional research method, questionnaire was sent to WeChat and friends circle through questionnaire star, and online investigation was conducted anonymously, investigation time was from February 4 to 6, 2020. The self-designed questionnaire of general information, questionnaire of knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of home quarantine protection, and the self-rating anxiety scale(SAS) was used to investigate the compliance and anxiety degree of home quarantine protection. Results A total of 454 persons were investigated. SAS of the respondents was (38.74±8.46), which was higher than that of the Chinese norm (P<0.05). The scores of KAP were:awareness of knowledge (24.70±3.96), belief attitude (12.75±1.10), practice compliance (65.54±5.02); compliance rate of practice was 93.63%. SAS of different COVID-19 epidemic relevant population, the number of person staying at home, whether contacted with infected or suspected patients were all statistically different (all P<0.05). Compliance scores of persons of different age, marital status, educational degree, occupation, and persons relevant to COVID-19 epidemic were all statistically different (all P<0.05). There was a negative correlation between SAS and belief attitude and practice compliance (P<0.01); there was a positive correlation between awareness of knowledge and belief attitude (P<0.01); there was a positive correlation between belief attitude and practice compliance (P<0.01). Conclusion The anxiety of public during home quarantine protection period is obvious, and has a close relationship with the knowledge, belief attitude and practice compliance of the public during home quarantine protection period.

    • Distribution and drug resistance of pathogens causing urinary tract infection in older male patients in a hospital in Wuxi City

      2020, 19(5):411-416. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20204127

      Abstract (170) HTML (333) PDF 942.00 Byte (396) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To understand the distribution and drug resistance of pathogens from urine specimens of older male patients, and provide reference for treatment of infection. Methods Older male outpatients and inpatients with urinary tract infection(UTI) in Wuxi People's Hospital from January 2012 to December 2016 were selected as the research objects, distribution and drug resistance of pathogens of UTI was analyzed. Results A total of 2 745 strains of pathogens were collected, the departments with high positive rate of specimens were intensive care unit(ICU), department of urology, and department of endocrinology, positive rate were 52.75%, 48.70%, and 43.63% respectively. 1 377 strains (50.16%) were Gram-negative bacteria, 814 strains (29.65%) were Gram-positive bacteria, and 554 strains (20.19%) were fungi. The top 5 isolated strains were Escherichia coli (E. coli, n=487, 17.74%), Enterococcus faecium (E. faecium, n=256, 9.33%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa, n=253, 9.22%), Candida albicans (C. albicans, n=250, 9.11%), and Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis, n=216, 7.87%). E. coli (n=115, 23.52%), P. aeruginosa (n=88, 35.06%), and E. faecalis (n=77, 35.65%) were the most detected strains in department of urology. E. faecalis (n=38, 14.84%) and C. albicans (n=83, 33.20%) were the most detected strains in ICU. Resistance rates of E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumo-niae), and P. aeruginosa to imipenem were 1.23%, 5.59%, and 15.02% respectively; resistance rates of E. coli to piperacillin/tazobactam, amikacin, and furantoin were 3.49%, 6.16%, and 8.62% respectively; resistance rates of K. pneumoniae to cefepime, ceftazidime, and piperacillin/tazobactam were 23.78%, 16.78%, and 12.59% respectively. Resistance rates of E. faecium to vancomycin and linezolid were 4.30% and 4.69% respectively; resistance rates of E. faecalis to vancomycin, linezolid, and ampicillin were 0.46%, 2.78%, and 3.24% respectively. A total of 38 strains of carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa were isolated, there was increased trend in the number of strains year by year. Conclusion The main pathogens causing UTI in older male patients is E. coli, which is sensitive to imipenem, piperacillin/tazobactam, amikacin, and furantoin. Distribution of the top 5 pathogens in departments of older male patients with UTI is different, clinical empirical therapy should consider department distribution and antimicrobial resistance characteristics of pathogens of older male patients with UTI, so as to select antimicrobial agents rationally.

    • Efficacy of simple plasma exchange and double plasma molecular absorption system combined with half dose plasma exchange in the treatment of severe hepatitis: a Meta-analysis

      2020, 19(5):417-425. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20206251

      Abstract (101) HTML (427) PDF 1.43 K (344) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To evaluate the efficacy of simple plasma exchange (PE) and double plasma molecular absorption system(DPMAS) combined with half dose PE in the treatment of severe hepatitis. Methods PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library, CNKI and Wanfang Data were searched by computer, literatures on randomized controlled trials about PE and DPMAS+PE in the treatment of severe hepatitis were collected, Meta-analysis on clinical research conforming to the inclusion was conducted by Stata/SE 15.1 software. Results A total of 8 literatures, 819 patients were included in analysis, 394 of patients were treated with simple PE and 425 were treated with DPMAS+PE. There were no significant differences in the effect of PE as well as DPMAS+PE treatment on total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, alanine-aminotransferase(ALT), white blood cells, total protein, globulin, prothrombin activity, chlorine ion and sodium ion (all P>0.05); after treatment, hemoglobin and platelet in PE+DPMAS group were higher than those in PE group, difference was statistically significant (SMD=-0.33, 95%CI:-0.51—-0.15,P<0.001; SMD=-0.27, 95%CI:-0.45—-0.09, P=0.003, respectively); potassium ion in PE+DPMAS group was higher than that in PE group (SMD=-0.29, 95%CI:-0.49—-0.10, P=0.003). Conclusion Both PE and DPMAS+PE can effectively improve the condition of patients with severe hepatitis, PE+DPMAS can effectively reduce the amount of plasma used, and has less effect on the decrease of potassium ion, hemoglobin and platelet. Therefore, DPMAS+PE is a better choice for treating patients with severe hepatitis, especially in the case of insufficient plasma.

    • A retrospective cohort study on survival status and influencing factors of elderly HIV/AIDS patients in Guigang City

      2020, 19(5):426-432. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20205195

      Abstract (123) HTML (354) PDF 1.04 K (334) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To understand the survival status and influencing factors of elderly patients with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in Guigang City, and provide reference for the formulation of targeted prevention and control measures. Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted to select HIV/AIDS patients aged ≥ 50 years from the comprehensive AIDS prevention and control information system as studied subjects, survival rate was calculated with table method, survival curve was drawn with Kaplan-Meier method, difference in survival time of different groups was compared with Log-Rank test, multivariate analysis was conducted by Cox proportional hazard model. Results Of the 5 397 studied subjects, 2 466 died, including 931 AIDS-related deaths. A total of 164 122.77 person-months were observed, HIV-related mortality was 5.67/1 000 person-months. The mean survival time was 129.680 months (95%CI:127.513-131.846), survival rates of these patients were 81%, 78%, 77%, and 76% at 12, 36, 60, and 96 months respectively after diagnosis. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that male, Han nationality, AIDS, sexual contact-based infection routes, low CD4+T cell level or undetected persons, not receiving antiretroviral therapy(ART) were all risk factors for survival time of elderly HIV/AIDS patients. Conclusion The survival rate of elderly people with HIV/AIDS in Guigang City is low, and survival time is affected by many factors, effective comprehensive prevention and control measures should be taken to reduce the risk of death and prolong the survival time.

    • Expression of the key proteins in TREM-1/DAP12 signaling pathway in children with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis

      2020, 19(5):433-439. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20205608

      Abstract (92) HTML (292) PDF 1.24 K (359) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To investigate expression of TREM-1/DAP12 protein in children with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis as well as potential relationship between this pathway and inflammation. Methods From January 2017 to January 2019, children with RSV bronchiolitis in Guangan People's Hospital of Sichuan Province were selected as case group (they were divided into mild group and severe group), healthy children who had physical examination during the same period were selected as control group, levels of inflammatory factors in serum and expression of TREM-1 and DAP12 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were detected. In vitro cell model of human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells infected by RSV was constructed, NHBE cells were divided into control group, RSV-infected group, RSV+siRNA-Control group and RSV+siRNA-TREM-1 group. Expression of TREM-1 and DAP12 in cells as well as level of inflammatory factors in supernatant were detected. Results Serum levels of inflammatory factors such as interleukin-1β(IL-1β) and expression levels of TREM-1 and DAP12 in PBMCs in children in mild and severe groups were both higher than those in control group, and severe group were higher than mild group (all P<0.05). The expression of TREM-1 and DAP12 in RSV-infected group and RSV+siRNA-Control group were both higher than control group and RSV+siRNA-TREM-1 group (both P<0.05). Levels of inflammatory factors in supernatant of RSV+siRNA-TREM-1 group were all lower RSV-infected group and RSV+siRNA- Control group (all P<0.05). Conclusion TREM-1/DAP12 signaling pathway is highly expressed in children with RSV bronchiolitis. RSV induces overexpression of TREM-1 in NHBE cells, and silencing TREM-1 can down-regulate DAP12 expression and inhibit the secretion of inflammatory factors.

    • Clinical analysis of 81 cases of neonatal purulent meningitis

      2020, 19(5):440-446. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20206276

      Abstract (115) HTML (383) PDF 904.00 Byte (423) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of neonatal purulent meningitis(NPM), and provide evidence for early diagnosis and treatment of NPM. Methods Clinical data of neonates who were hospitalized in a neonatal ward from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2018 and was diagnosed with NPM when they were discharged from hospital were analyzed retrospectively, according to the number of days after birth at the time of disease onset and results of blood culture and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture, they were divided into different groups, diffe-rences in clinical characteristics between different groups were compared. Results The first four clinical manifestations of 81 neonates were fever (88.89%), change in consciousness (37.04%), poor milk intake (24.69%), and increased tension in the anterior fontanelle (23.46%), incidence of poor milk intake in early-onset group(onset age ≤ 7 days after birth) was higher than that in late-onset group(onset age>7 days after birth) (P<0.05); the main isolated pathogens were Escherichia coli (E. coli) and group B streptococcus(GBS); glucose content in CSF in E. coli group was lower than that in GBS group (P<0.05); neonates with positive CSF culture especially those with both positive CSF and blood culture had higher CSF pressure and CSF protein content (both P<0.05); six neonates showed that the number of CSF leukocytes was within the normal range after the first lumbar puncture within 24 hours after disease onset, 4 of whom showed a significant increase in the number of CSF leukocytes at re-examination after 48-72 hours of the first lumbar puncture; 79 neonates performed MRI or CT examination of the head, 7 of whom (8.86%) were found to have complications, 5 cases were found to have pathogens in CSF and/or blood. Conclusion Clinical manifestation of NPM is not typical, more attention should be paid to the fever of neonates, even if CSF is normal in routine and biochemical detection, diagnosis of purulent meningitis cannot be excluded, CSF re-examination should be performed timely.

    • Outbreak epidemic of norovirus infection in different types of schools in a city from 2014 to 2018

      2020, 19(5):447-450. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20205257

      Abstract (98) HTML (296) PDF 862.00 Byte (321) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To analyze the outbreak epidemic of norovirus infection in different types of schools in a city, and provide basis for formulating corresponding prevention and control measures. Methods Outbreak epidemic of norovirus infection reported by various schools in the "public health emergency management information system" of the city from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2018 was collected, epidemiological analysis was conducted. Results A total of 41 norovirus outbreaks were reported in schools during 5 years, 2 444 cases were reported, with an incidence of 2.96%. Incidence of norovirus infection in schools was statistically different during 5 years (P<0.05). The number of norovirus outbreak epidemic was most in primary schools (25 cases, 60.97%); the highest incidence in colleges and universities was 5.10%, there was significant difference in the incidence of norovirus infection among different types of schools (P<0.05). The reporting interval of norovirus outbreak epidemic in schools was 4 days and duration of outbreak was 7 days during 5 years; there was significant difference in the reporting interval and duration of epidemic among different types of schools (all P<0.05); there was a positive correlation between reporting interval and duration of epidemic (rs=0.73,P<0.01). Conclusion Primary schools are the places with high incidence of norovirus infection and outbreak in schools, prevention and control of norovirus infection and outbreak in colleges and universities needs to be strengthened urgently.

    • Epidemiological investigation on postoperative pneumonia in a tertiary first-class hospital

      2020, 19(5):451-456. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20205954

      Abstract (136) HTML (357) PDF 992.00 Byte (390) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To describe the distribution and pathogen of postoperative pneumonia(POP) in patients, understand the characteristics of POP of surgical patients in a tertiary-first class hospital, and explore the risk factors for POP. Methods Occurrence of POP in surgical patients from 2014 to 2018 was analyzed with descriptive epidemiological method. Results From 2014 to 2018, case incidence of POP in this hospital was 0.19%-0.25%, with an average incidence of 0.22% and case fatality rate of 17.62%. There was no significant difference in incidence and case fatality rate of POP among different years, seasons, and months. Department of cardiac surgery, neurosurgery and thoracic surgery were the top three departments of POP incidence in this hospital. Incidence of POP was the highest in infants< 1 years(1.36%) and lowest in patients of 30-39 years old (0.01%). Incidence of POP decreased firstly and then increased with age. Incidence of POP in male was higher than that of female (χ2=52.37,P<0.001). 76.52%(163/213) of isolated pathogens from patients with POP were Gram-negative bacteria, mainly Acinetobacter baumannii (27.23%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (14.55%), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (12.21%), detection rate of multidrug-resistant organisms in POP was 30.99%(66/213). Conclusion Incidence of POP is low in this hospital, department of cardiac surgery, neurosurgery and thoracic surgery are with high incidence of POP. Infants, elderly patients and male patients are high risk population of POP, the main pathogens of POP are Gram-negative bacteria with high antimicrobial resistance rate.

    • Influencing factors and direct economic loss of infective endophthalmitis after ophthalmic operation

      2020, 19(5):457-461. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20205784

      Abstract (105) HTML (357) PDF 937.00 Byte (328) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To explore the influencing factors and economic loss of infective endophthalmitis after ophthalmic operation, provide relevant evidence for the formulation of prevention and control measures as well as study of health economics. Methods Patients with infective endophthalmitis after ophthalmic operation in a hospital between January 2013 and December 2018 were selected as case group, non-infective patients of the same gender, age and hospital admission time were selected as control group for 1:3 case control study. Underlying diseases and operation status of patients were performed univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis, length of hospital stay and various hospitalization expense were compared between case group and control group. Results A total of 24 867 ophthalmic operations were investigated, 25 cases of infective endophthalmitis occurred, with an incidence of 0.10%. Incidence of infective endophthalmitis after ophthalmic operation in different years was statistically significant (P<0.05). Univariate analysis showed that diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, history of ocular trauma and stay in day care ward were the influencing factors for infective endophthalmitis after ophthalmic operation (all P<0.05); multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that diabetes mellitus, history of ocular trauma and stay in day care ward were independent risk factors for infective endophthalmitis after ophthalmic operation (all P<0.05). The median length of hospital stay in case group and control group were 12 days and 3 days respectively, difference was statistically significant (P<0.001). The median of total hospitalization expense of case group and control group were 10 477.97 and 8 042.60 yuan respectively, difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The bed fee, nursing fee and Western medicine fee of case group were all higher than those of control group, differences were all statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusion Diabetes mellitus, history of ocular trauma and stay in day care ward are the risk factors for infective endophthalmitis after ophthalmic operation, endophthalmitis can lead to prolongation of hospital stay and increase of hospitalization expense.

    • Effect of different preoperative scalp cleaning methods on surgical site infection of neurosurgery

      2020, 19(5):462-465. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20205470

      Abstract (125) HTML (345) PDF 860.00 Byte (408) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To investigate the effect of different preoperative scalp cleaning methods on surgical site infection (SSI) of neurosurgery. Methods Patients who underwent selective surgery in a neurosurgery treatment group from January 2016 to December 2017 were observed and followed up through targeted monitored method. Patients from January to December 2016 were in control group, they performed routine scalp cleaning one day before operation; patients from January to December 2017 were in intervention group, they increased the frequency of scalp cleaning, performed 3 times of scalp cleaning (3 days, 1 day before operation and on the day of operation). General data and SSI of two groups of patients were collected. Results A total of 544 patients who underwent craniocerebral surgery were investigated, 265 in control group and 279 in intervention group. Incidence of SSI in intervention group was lower than that in control group (2.51%[7/279] vs 6.04%[16/265], χ2=4.18, P=0.04). The ave-rage length of hospital stay in control group was significantly higher than that in intervention group ([21.21±7.83] days vs[18.78±8.39] days, t=-3.49, P=0.001). The average hospitalization cost of control group and intervention group were (49 356.07±46 725.34) yuan and (48 846.29±32 650.03) yuan respectively, with no significant difference (t=-0.15, P=0.88). Conclusion Strict scalp cleaning and scalp hygiene is conducive to reducing the incidence of SSI in neurosurgery.

    • Effect of different hand hygiene methods and hand drying measures on hand hygiene

      2020, 19(5):466-469. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20205535

      Abstract (207) HTML (376) PDF 861.00 Byte (496) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To investigate the effect of different hand hygiene(HH) methods and hand drying measures on HH, and improve the quality of HH. Methods Health care workers(HCWs) in different departments of eight hospitals in Henan Province were selected as the surveyed subjects. HH methods and hand drying measures were observed, qualified rates of microbial detection of HH among different HH methods and hand drying measures were compared. Results A total of 699 HCWs were surveyed, 572 times of HH were performed, compliance rate of HH was 81.83%. Hand washing is the most common HH measure, accounting for 39.34%. The qualified rate of HH by alcohol-based hand rub was 97.92%, qualified rate of HH among different HH methods was statistically significant (χ2=20.203,P<0.001). The main HH measures was natural air drying (79.37%), proportion of drying by disposable tissue, automatic air dryer and other methods were 14.69%, 1.75% and 4.20% respectively. There was significant difference in qualified rates of HH after different hand drying measures (P=0.013). In hand washing group and hand disinfection after hand washing group, the qualified rate of using disposable tissue to dry hands was the highest, accounting for 80.70% and 96.30% respectively. Conclusion Application of alcohol-based hand rub is reliable for hand disinfection, the best way of hand drying is to use disposable tissue.

    • Clinical analysis on 101 cases of AIDS combined with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia

      2020, 19(5):470-474. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20205731

      Abstract (120) HTML (382) PDF 870.00 Byte (348) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To explore clinical characteristics of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS) combined with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PJP), so as to improve the understanding on standardized diagnosis and treatment of PJP. Methods Clinical data of 101 AIDS patients combined with PJP who were admitted to Butuo People's Hospital of Liangshan Prefecture from June 2016 to June 2019 were analyzed retrospectively, including medical history, symptoms, signs, chest imaging, laboratory examination, treatment and outcome. Results Among 101 AIDS patients combined with PJP, 78.2% (n=79) were young and middle-aged men, 72.3% (n=73) of HIV infection was mainly transmitted by sexual contact. The common clinical manifestations were progressive dyspnea (n=69), fever (n=17), cough (n=15) and so on. Arterial blood gas analysis indicated that patients had hypoxemia (PaO2<60 mmHg) and significant elevation of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in peripheral blood (527.4±85.7)U/L. Combination of other pulmonary infection (bacteria or tuberculosis) were common (n=34). CD4+T lymphocyte count decreased significantly (< 200/μL, n=90), and cellular immune function was seriously damaged. The main manifestations of chest CT were multiple ground-glass opacity in both lungs, and diffuse reticular nodular interstitial infiltration from the hilus of lung. Conclusion Clinical manifestations of AIDS patients combined with PJP are various, respiratory system damage is most common, early diagnosis and standardized treatment are the key to the influence of prognosis of AIDS patients combined with PJP.

    • Broncholithiasis and Aspergillus infection: a case report and literature review

      2020, 19(5):475-480. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20205578

      Abstract (123) HTML (282) PDF 1.04 K (352) Comment (0) Favorites


      Objective To analyze clinical characteristics and diagnosis and treatment of broncholithiasis with Aspergillus infection. Methods A case of broncholithiasis associated with Aspergillus infection in a hospital was analyzed retrospectively, relevant database was searched and literatures were reviewed. Results The main clinical manifestations of this case were cough and hemoptysis, chest CT showed mass opacity and stenosis of adjacent bronchus, with exudative focus around, and was misdiagnosed as tumor/tuberculosis with pulmonary infection. Bronchoscopy examination confirmed that it was broncholithiasis with Aspergillus infection, after anti-fungal and anti-infective treatment, the absorption of focus improved. Broncholithiasis and Aspergillus were as key words and searched, no Chinese literature was found,there were 5 foreign literatures, all were from 4 countries in Southeast Asia, most of the patients were females, most lesions were on the right side, 4 cases improved after treatment, and 1 case died. Conclusion Broncholithiasis with Aspergillus infection is rare in clinical disease, especially when hemoptysis or obstruction occurs, it is easily lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment, bronchoscopy and chest CT are important techniques to find broncholithiasis, diagnosis mainly depends on the results of pathological examination, lobectomy and bronchoscopic lithotomy are important methods to treat the disease, necessity of adjuvant antifungal therapy needs further to be studied.

    • Advances in laboratory diagnostic techniques for coronavirus disease 2019

      2020, 19(5):481-486. DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20206740

      Abstract (107) HTML (319) PDF 892.00 Byte (516) Comment (0) Favorites


      In December 2019, a novel coronavirus infection dominated by pulmonary lesions was discovered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in February 11, 2020, World Health Organization(WHO) officially named the disease caused by novel coronavirus as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the virus is known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). COVID-19 spread to the whole country in a short time, in March 11, WHO announced that COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. Laboratory test is an important basis for the confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, which is crucial to the treatment of disease and prevention of epidemic. This paper reviews the advances in laboratory clinical diagnosis technology for COVID-19.

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